マーケティング 英文レジュメ フォーマット

2-6-8-901 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061
080-XXXX-XXXX / xxxx@xxxx.co.jp

Seeking Marketing Position in the company producing sports products.

ZZZ Japan Inc, Tokyo4/2004 - Present
Product Manger - Marketing Division, Sports Item Team.

● Supervised team with 7 people.
● Managing budget XX million yen per years.
● Devising and executing marketing plans based on conditions of competitors and
● Distributed product and price strategy.
● Draw up communication plan to the internal designers and external suppliers.
● Take responsibility of mid and long-term sales target.
□ Enlarged market brand share by 4% compared to previous year.
□ Achieved No.1 share in Running Shoes Market in 2004.

XXX Japan K.K. Tokyo4/1998 - 3/2004
Junior Product Manger - Product Marketing Division, Accessory Team.4/2000 - 3/2004

● Managed team budget and sales target.
● Negotiate with external suppliers regarding cost, production and design of products.
● Devised and executed marketing plans based on detailed analysis of sales of
  previous year.
● Devised Merchandise-mix
● Create product concept and communicated to the internal designers and external
● Draw conclusion among the internal designers, external suppliers and me.
□ Increase the share of accessory sales in the company sales from 3% to 7%.
□ Order taking amount for 2001: Achieve 18% increase compared to previous year.
□ Order taking amount for 2002: Achieve 17% increase compared to previous year.
□ Order taking amount for 2003: Achieve 20% increase compared to previous year.

Division Assistant - Product Marketing Division, Underwear Team. 4/1998 - 3/2000
● Prepare the analyzing material for each category of Underwear team.
● Supported team manager and take responsibility of product marketing of winter
 sports underwear category.
● Analyzed competitors’ market positions and strategies.
● Developed expertise on product marketing.
□ Achieve 17% increase in 2000 order taking amount compared to the previous
 year in the category by strengthening product.

● Bachelor of Business Administration, 1998 Tokyo
XXX University, Osaka, Japan.
Major; International Marketing

<Skills & Certificate>
● TOEIC 810
● COMPUTER SKILLS;MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint

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